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WTPN Members

WPTN Membership Benefits


WTPN members are entitled to the following opportunities and benefits as part of their WTPN membership:


  • Email, alerts, news and blogs of information and updates on learning, training, personal development and funding initiatives.

  • Up to 2 places, including lunch at network meetings (minimum of 4 a year), providing presentations by agencies/key stakeholders on topical subjects and issues for example, the Education & Skills Funding Agency and the Local Enterprise Partnership/Combined authority (LEP/WECA).

  • New members presentation at the next available Provider Network Meeting.

  • Opportunities to raise your profile and make useful business connections through a variety of networking events and activities eg network meetings, collaborative projects etc.

  • Participation in WTPN “subgroups’ eg Peer Review groups, workshops.

  • Listing on the members’ page of the WTPN website.

  • Opportunities for collaborative projects with other members and other stakeholders eg marketing campaigns such as the 100 in 100 days Apprenticeship Campaign, careers events, ‘Meet the Provider’ project etc.

  • Involvement in collaborative funding applications eg Skills West. We have been key partner in a collaborative 2 year skills project with Business West.

  • Locally organised training/continuous professional development events, often at low or no cost e.g. Ofsted Nominee workshop, Auditing Workshop, Designated Lead Safeguarding Training.

  • Opportunity for bulk purchasing.

  • Representation by the WTPN at local and regional groups and with key stakeholders e.g. Local Enterprise Partnership, West of England Combined Authority, Local Authority Learning Partnerships, Education & Skills Funding Agency, South West Training Provider Network, AELP etc.



If you would like to discuss membership of the network please get in touch below.


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