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Apprenticeships - Non Levy Procurement

This we realise has caused pain.....Over 300 providers Nationally were unable to bid and 200 were excluded through pro rata of allocation. I was with AELP yesterday with the other regional Network's leads and it's important that we feedback potential consequences mismanagement that the reforms could be causing. With employer choice and free market dynamics due to start next year with the full introduction of the on-line Apprenticeship system, it seems very short-sighted to be decimating the exisiting experienced provider community prior to launch and roll out. I am very keen to feedback to our regional and National bodies the impact that the reforms are causing, be that issues with Social mobilty (e.g a lack of level 2's being introduced through trailblazer groups) to an inability to reach our traditional SME base (90+% of employers in our region) through lack of funding. Please email me here the effect the reforms (both funding and the introduction of standards) are having on your organisation, all replies will be treated in strict confidence. And now for good Apprenticeship News -

Apprenticeship numbers will grow next year, CBI survey suggests

Growth in apprenticeship numbers is predicted in a CBI poll, following the introduction of the apprenticeship levy and a subsequent drop in starts

Almost half of businesses expect to recruit more apprentices over the next 12 months, according to a survey by the CBI.

According to the CBI/Pertemps Network Group Employment Trends Survey, published today, 63 per cent of businesses plan to reconfigure their existing training into apprenticeships as a response to the newly introduced apprenticeship levy. Only 4 per cent are planning to cut back on the number of apprenticeship roles within their business, while 46 per cent plan to grow that number. Full story here ESFA Update from December 2017 which includes non levy procurement, the postponement of framework withdrawl for Healthcare leadership & Management Framework and the introduction of Levy transfer to other employers (10%) from April.

IfA Publishes Vision Of The Future

The Institute for Apprenticeships has published its ‘Faster & Better’ paper dubbed a ‘Preview of Changes to Come’ in 2018 following criticisms that the Institute’s processes for approving standards and EPA arrangements have been too slow. Along with employers and other stakeholders at a recent Ofqual event, AELP has also voiced concerns about recognised qualifications being omitted from standards and has been alarmed by reports from trailblazers that the Institute has specifically forbidden them from being included in some standards. Click here for more

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