ESFA Bulletin April
1. Action: local authorities to submit adult education budget and apprenticeship funds return by 30 April 2018 2. Information: T level panel recruitment The Department for Education is recruiting for the next phase of T level panels in the 5 routes which will be delivered from 2022: 3. Information: calling all users of Information Exchange Thank you to all of you who have given feedback so far. To support the research, we want to talk to a broad mix of customers in different roles and organisation types. Your input will help us make user centred improvements and prioritise future developments 4. Information: high needs allocated place numbers We’ve published the high needs place numbers for the 2018 to 2019 academic year. We’ve also updated the high needs place numbers for the 2017 to 2018 academic year 5. Information: FE residential accommodation - new national minimum standards Following the consultation on revised standards for residential accommodation for under 18s in FE colleges and 16 to 19 academies, DfE have published the government response