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We're Celebrating!

We’re delighted to announce that we’re celebrating £1 million worth of transfers agreed to support apprenticeships across the West of England! 🎉 From software developers, paralegals and healthcare assistants to production chefs, coaching professionals and surveying technicians – these are just some of the roles that have been funded by large employers through our Share to Support scheme funded by the West of England Combined Authority and the European Social Fund.

Do you work for a large employer with a pay bill of more than £3 million? If so, your company may have unspent apprenticeship levy which, if left unused, will get transferred back to Treasury. Instead, we’re calling on more large employers to Share to Support by pledging this unspent levy and giving a local SME access to apprenticeship funding.

Levy-paying employers can pledge up to 25% of their annual levy funds, however with the cost of an apprenticeships starting at £3k, any contribution is valuable in allowing local businesses access to funds for apprenticeships, whether that be new recruits or upskilling their current work force.

Through the apprenticeship levy transfer scheme, we will work with you to identify how your apprenticeship levy could be used to support your wider business objectives. This could include:

· Supporting small businesses within your supply chain

· Developing skills for small businesses in your industry

· Furthering your corporate social responsibility strategy

· Supporting job creation and progression opportunities in the region

To find out more, please get in touch with Leon on



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